
Vaping: Is It Actually Dangerous?




Let's talk about vaping and what you're seeing in the news.

Is it really unsafe to vape?


Isn't vaping supposed to be healthier for you than smoking cigarettes or cigars?


Why is vaping only now being banned?

Whether you or someone you know vapes for recreation or medical reasons, one thing is clear: people dying from vaping is alarming.


While it seems that the reason has been identified, there's a lot of confusion around what vaping is, if it's a drug, and what's happening with the vape ban.

Our Science Guy, Alan Shugarman, took some time to share his expert insight into what's happening in the media and all things vaping.

You can watch what he has to say by clicking the link below or clicking the image at the top of the page.

Is Vaping Actually Dangerous & Bad For You?

Do you vape?


Do you have thoughts you'd like to share with us about vaping and what's happening in the news?


We'd love to know what you think so be sure to leave your comments on the video page!